Friday 27 January 2017


                               HOW DIABETES AFFECTS WOUND HEALING

Hi, Today I am going to discuss how diabetes affects wound Healing. Actually we know that wound healing has been a major problem for Diabetic patients and Many mechanisms involved in it. Now I am going to discuss few things on it.

There were many factors which affects wound healing in diabetic individuals. Some of the basic mechanisms involved are :

Ø        Elevated blood sugar levels
                                 Deposition of collagen on endothelium of arteries
                                      Stiffening  of  Arteries
                                     Narrowing of Blood vessels
                                     Poor Circulation (RBC, WBC)
                                     Decreased blood flow ,Oxygen to Wounds
                                      And decreased immune response
                                          Delayed Wound Healing.

               Image result for stiffening of arteries in diabetes images

                     Hypoxia and Ischeamia delays wound healing where as Hyperoxia  enhances wound healing through the activation of eNOS, (Endothelial Nitric oxide Synthase) which produces nitric oxide  and thereby stimulating the production of endothelial progenitor cells from bonemarrow, which are essential for the formation of blood vessels and wound healing.

      Ø  Wound Healing is Enhanced during 
            I)    Increased oxygen levels (hyperoxia)
                    ↑ Mobilization of Endothelial Progenitor cells (derived from bone marrow )
                     Travels to sites of injury  i.e., peripheral blood circulation 


             II)     The High oxygen levels (hyperoxia)
                    ↑ activation of bonemarrow enzyme Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS)
                      Stimulated nitric oxide production
                      Production of  greater no. of Endothelial progenitor Cells.
                     Essential for formation of blood vessels  and wound healing.

          The above mentioned mechanisms responsible for wound healing in diabetic patients.

                                                   Thanks for Reading               

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